Thursday, September 10, 2009

Other tidbits

Apple is now offering 30,000 ready-made ringtones for $1.29 a pop. These come from all four major labels, and differ from the current system, which allows you to make your own ringtone from any song you've purchased from the store for a fee of 99 cents. The new system cuts out the need to even buy the song.

Apple has sold 30 million iPhones since the launch of the device.

More than 20 million iPod Touches have been sold.

More than 100 million iPod Nanos have been sold.

Users have downloaded 1.8 billion apps from a catalog of more than 75,000.

Apple has 100 million registered iTunes users.

Users have submitted more than 27 million music libraries to contribute to the Genius feature, totaling 54 billion songs.

iPhone developer Tapulous demonstrated an upcoming title called Riddim Ribbon that lets players race on their own music tracks. Looks quite similar to PC title Audiosurf.

EA demonstrated Madden 10 which uses virtual, onscreen controls.

Gameloft has had 20 million game downloads. The company demonstrated a new first-person shooter game called Nova that's reminiscent of Halo.

Correction: This post initially included some incorrect pricing information. The OS 3.1 update only costs money for those who had not yet upgraded to 3.0 or higher. Also, the iPod Shuffle price cut refers to the 2GB model.

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